
セブン-イレブン 甲府国玉店

Convenience store staff

Those with no previous experience are eagerly welcome. You will start with easy tasks and learn the job in small steps. We are looking for convenience store staff.


  • Number of working days per week negotiable
  • Long-term work available
  • Working on Saturdays and Sundays welcome
  • Weekday-only shifts available
  • Experience not required
  • Persons with experience welcome
  • Homemakers welcome
  • Students welcome
  • Job-hopping part-timers welcome
  • Benefits/Club Off Employee Benefits
  • Social insurance available
  • Commuting by car OK
  • Commuting by motorcycle OK
  • Commuting by bicycle OK
  • Job training available
  • Promotion to full-time employment at 7-11 store possible
  • Pay raise possible
  • Higher wages on weekends and national holidays
  • No smoking indoors
  • Available work shift / Salary

    (1)5:00 ~ 9:00

    Basic hourly pay 1,050 yen (Under training 1,000 yen )

    Training period 30 days

    Minimum working days per week : 2 days or more
    Minimum working hours per day : 4 hours or longer

    (2)9:00 ~ 17:00

    Basic hourly pay 1,000 yen (Under training 988 yen )

    Training period 30 days

    Minimum working days per week : 2 days or more
    Minimum working hours per day : 5 hours or longer

    (3)14:00 ~ 19:00

    Basic hourly pay 1,000 yen (Under training 988 yen )

    Training period 30 days

    Minimum working days per week : 2 days or more
    Minimum working hours per day : 5 hours or longer

    (4)17:00 ~ 23:00

    Basic hourly pay 1,000 yen (Under training 988 yen )

    * Basic hourly pay is 1,250 yen (1,235 yen during training) , + 25% for working between 22:00 and 5:00

    Training period 30 days

    Minimum working days per week : 2 days or more
    Minimum working hours per day : 5 hours or longer

    (5)23:00 ~ 5:00

    Basic hourly pay 1,000 yen

    * Basic hourly pay is 1,250 yen , + 25% for working between 22:00 and 5:00

    Minimum working days per week : 1 days or more
    Minimum working hours per day : 5 hours or longer

  • Area


  • ※Details such as "the scope of changes in the work to be engaged," "the scope of changes in the workplace," and "the criteria for renewal of a fixed-term labor contract" will be provided at the time of the interview.

Job information


Those with no previous experience at a convenience store are eagerly welcome. We will help you start with easy tasks and learn more in small steps. You can be the first to check new goods!

Job openings are available for seven-eleven convenience store staff. The job includes customer service, sales, stocking shelves, in-store cleaning, etc. We also handle various services such as public utility bill payment, parcel delivery, handover of goods that customers purchase through online shopping, etc. Please feel confident about applying since we will give you full support. You will learn in small steps even though the job covers a wide range of tasks.


Apply by phone Apply now

10:00-19:00 (Phone calls and job interviews are conducted only in Japanese.)

Apply by phone
0570-031-711 (10:00-19:00) Phone calls and job interviews are conducted only in Japanese.